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Support the Meals on Wheels raffle and help our important work.

We can’t deliver over 4.5 million meals in NSW each year without the support of people like you and our raffle is a fun way to offer that support.

Enter our raffle today and you could win…

  • $20,000 in cash or Gold Bullion to spend on whatever you wish!
  • A bonus $500 if you support with $50 or more
  • Another bonus $500 if you support with $100 or more

PLUS! If you support Meals on Wheels NSW with $25 monthly and become a ‘Friend of Meals on Wheels’ you are entered into an additional draw for $1,000 in cash. 

Thank you for your support of Meals on Wheels NSW.

For over 60 years the Meals on Wheels organisations in NSW have been providing a vital service to the community and the number of people needing our assistance continues to grow each year.  The need for our services will continue to rise with Australia’s ageing population.

The demand is not only for a greater number of meals, but also for a wider range and greater variety of delivery options for our clients. The Meals on Wheels organisations in NSW today must overcome challenges unimaginable 60 years ago, and your support ensures that we will continue to do so.

Our next raffle will be drawn: 14th November at 2pm and the results will be published here the following day.

Enter Now for your chance to win these life-changing prizes!

Enter Now!

MOW55 Raffle Terms and Conditions: 

Meals on Wheels NSW Raffle 55 Starts: 1st July 2024, Closes 11:59pm 13th November 2024 and is Drawn: 14th November 2024. Raffle proceeds are in support of Meals on Wheels NSW which provides meals and company to older Australians. Total value of prizes $22,000. The Major prize being 20,000 in gold bullion. nAll players who pay $50 and over go into the Book Buyers draw to win $500 cash, all players who pay $100 and over go into the Book Buyers Bonus draw to win $500 cash, all players who sign up to support monthly as a “Raffle Friend” go into an additional VIP draw to win $1,000 cash. All images are for promotional purposes only. All prizes are subject to availability at time of draw.

Tickets are $2.50 each and are sold in pairs with discounted tickets for purchases of $100 and above ($100+ $2 each, $200+ $1 each). This appeal is conducted according to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and the Community Gaming Act (NSW) 2018. (Authority Number CFN 17824, ABN 87 418 074 604). Fundraising services are provided by Insight Holdings Consolidated Pty Ltd of Level 3 / 72-80 Cooper St Surry Hills NSW 2010 phone 1300 365 896, email:, website: Raffle Charges based on total call centre, prize, mailing and other approved costs providing benefits to the authority holder of not less than 40% of gross proceeds, and charges to the trader of not more than 60% of gross proceeds. As one of our contacts or supporters we may contact you regarding future raffles. Full Raffle terms and conditions & privacy policy are available on our website:


By participating in the Meals on Wheels raffle you are helping us to make sure that people IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY can stay in their own home where they are happiest.

Whether it’s across the bush or just two doors down, for over 60 years Meals on Wheels organisations in NSW through it’s 148 members statewide have always delivered more than just a meal.

That’s because the Meals on Wheels service has something special – volunteers who truly care. Always ready with a smile and a conversation, they understand better than anyone the difference even a quick chat about the weather can make to someone’s day.

It’s these friendships formed between volunteers and clients that makes Meals on Wheels so important to thousands of Australians, and the service is an essential part of communities across the State.

Meals on Wheels organisations in NSW, through its members, delivers over 12,000 meals a day, but Meals on Wheels volunteers, clients, and their families understand that food is only one part of our service.

Helping frail older people, younger people with disabilities, and their carers stay in their homes where most are happiest is at the heart of the matter.

Every day a friendly smile, a chat about the weather, a nutritious meal, and knowing someone will drop by to say hello, changes the lives of many Australians.It’s not just the clients who value this contact.

Whilst age and disability may reduce some people’s capacity to get out and about, Meals on Wheels help make it possible for them to stay in their homes, where most are happiest, and maintain their independence.

Delivery of nutritious meals, social interaction and a friendly check of a client’s wellbeing by Meals on Wheels volunteers can help people live the lives they choose.

Ask any of the 14,000 NSW volunteers and they will tell you that reaching out and making a difference in somebody else’s day, makes their day.

Enter our raffle now!
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